Yoshito Hori

President and Founder, GLOBIS Corporation
President, GLOBIS University
Managing Partner, GLOBIS Capital Partners

With GLOBIS Europe, we’re opening a new chapter in expanding our services on a global scale. Despite these unprecedented times, our mission to pave the way for creation and innovation remains unchanged.

In EMEA, we will continue our mission by connecting our three core pillars: people, capital, and knowledge. Through these, we foster unique business ecosystems and support visionary leaders.

Yoshito Hori

Toru Takahashi

President & CEO, GLOBIS Europe BV
Managing Director, GLOBIS Corporation
Director, GLOBIS Asia Campus Pte. Ltd.
Director, GLOBIS Thailand

Japan and Europe have much in common in the sense that they have achieved various innovations that impacted the world and possess an impressive cultural and historical heritage.

Now, more than ever, leaders from East and West should work hand in hand to demonstrate leadership in solving global challenges. GLOBIS Europe is committed to playing such a role by developing visionary leaders who can drive creation and innovation in society.

Toru Takahashi

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